Saturday, November 29, 2008

Note from the Co-founder

That also means if you have the urge to let your inner image out.
Please also sent us your drawings, paintings, animations and
what not... to

For the innitial insperation of course go to
no worries it wil come online soon...

Like a wise man said be welcome!

(note: submission doesn't always means posting)
We like to keep it "in the zone..."

Greetings from,
Roy Co-founder (and much more ;) )

Note from the founder

To the guys & girls, who worked and supported the project Crux-Mundi.
I want to thank you all, for giving this brainstorm a chance.
This is 30 years old by now and it will finally fly into the world. All who like fantasy, suspense, horror and more surrealistic mindscapes. Hopefully we can alure you to read, watch ... enjoy the Crux Media. Please, any comments will be read and taken seriously. So, if you have the urge to write something down, feel welcome.
On this moment there is not much on the surface about Crux-Mundi, trust me loads of stories are waiting to be released. Piles of drawings, sketches and other papyrus are marching around the house with signs "SET US FREE". The musicians are putting there hands in hot fires just to warm it up a little, to be ready for the first official realease.
We ask you kindly to let us mature (a bit).. and then !
It will be rewarded.
Thank you for reading this note,
Eric, founder of Crux-Mundi